Our volunteers are vital to Stepping Stones day-to-day operations - we would not be able to accomplish our vision without their hard work. Volunteering is a great way to strengthen our community and we are always looking for more people!
Why should you volunteer with Stepping Stones?
Gain skills to use in a future job
Learn ways to help in your community while engaging in Civic Responsibility
Meet new people
Practice social skills by working with others
Helps with self-confidence, self-esteem, and give you a sense of purpose
Become a Volunteer
Looking for an internship?
Stepping Stones is a great fit for any major, but especially in social work, human development, sociology, psychology, criminal justice, dietetics, and marketing. Interns learn many valuable skills working reception, food pantry, warehouse and working with shelter clients. Flexible schedule.
Contact Julie Bendel if you are interested in an internship.
Stepping Stones relies on many stakeholders to accomplish its work. It is most financially stable when many people offer support by giving what they can.
With the ability to give online at Stepping Stones, you can do a one-time gift or set up an automatic monthly donation if you wish.
Contributions in honor of a special occasion or an individual, or given as a memorial are welcome and are recognized in our seasonal newsletter.
All contributions are tax deductible. Stepping Stones is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) charitable organization.
How To Donate
You may mail in or drop off a cash or check donation. A receipt will be given to you at the time of the donation (or will be mailed back).
Mailing Address:
Stepping Stones
1602 Stout Rd
Menomonie, WI 54751
You can donate online via credit/debit card or PayPal
We are currently accepting donations! For all donations please make sure that packaging is still in tact and the item is in good quality. This means that there are no large dents, cracks, the package is unopened and produce is fresh and clean.
If you wouldn't use it or eat it, please don't expect others to do so!
Copy paper (any color)
Garbage bags, any size
Green cleaning supplies
Brooms, mops
$10 “fuel only” gas cards (any place local)
$10 gift cards for restaurants (Places that don’t serve alcohol – eg. Culver's, Domino's, McDonald’s, Wendy’s, Taco John, etc.)
Manual can openers
Basic cleaning supplies
Personal care products
Bath soap, shampoo, conditioner
Toothbrushes & toothpaste
Tampons & maxi pads
Toilet tissue & Kleenex
Paper towels
Diapers, baby wipes
Laundry detergent
Dish soap
We accept most shelf stable food items, fresh produce, and fresh or frozen meat that has been purchased from a grocery store or licensed meat processor.